ReWARD Project
Refraction/Wide-Angle Reflections Database
Unit of Milano 
INGV - Rome

R/WAR italian deep seismic data

click for zooming on 'H-D' profile

     Redrawn after:
        Alpine Explosion Seismology Group(*), 1976.

          A Lithospheric Seismic Profile along the Axis of the Alps, 1975. I: First results
        Pageoph Vol. 114 (1976), 1109-1130.

Angenheister G., Ansorge J., Aric K., Banford D., Cassinis R., Gebrande H., Guerra I., Gutdeutsch R., Kaminski W., King R., Miller H., Morelli C., Mueller St., Nicolich R., Perrier G., Posgay K., Prodehl C., Scarascia S., Schmedes E., Steinhauser P., Thouvenot F.